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The Joinery, spacemaking, PXL-MAD

The Joinery is a space that floats between a class and living room. Here we want to initiate informal talks with and between students, teachers, alumni… from various artistic disciplines. By intertwining living and learning we want to connect like-minded people to spark potential collaborations and address forgotten topics that are surrounding todays artistic practices.

The Joinery was build using mostly traditional wood joints—pieces of wood that fit seamlessly together. Inspired by this principle, we want to merge diverse perspectives to unlock new insights. Each week, we invite someone to design a starting point in or around the house to initiate a spontaneous dialogue.

The Joinery was designed for Nomad City and PXL-Media Arts & Design Faculty. 

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Copyright © · Stef Lemmens · 2024 · lemmens_stef@hotmail.com